Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Greetings from Molly Bloom's!

Doug called last night cuz really there's little limit to how far I'll drive for a drunk audience, a burger and gas money. Now I I can only remember enough of my act. To keep them amused for 20 minutes. I plan to do plenty of virgin material. People love that!

Posted via email from norelation's posterous

What's left for me?

I like sitting. It's all I do. I'm crafting my life so I can someday be a "sit-down comedian."  I wish I were better at it. No matter what I'm doing I'm looking for a place to sit- even when I'm sitting. There's got to be a better place to sit. Is it worth getting out of my seat to go sit somewhere else? You have to weigh the benefits. Regardless you should alway know your options. Every day is about sitting at point A, to sitting at point B. I'm always on the lookout for the perfect chair. So this next bit of health art  propaganda makes me sad.
This piece comes from the good people at (as sexy as it sounds) They care.

I'm sitting now but, I'll get up tomorrow and I'll ride my bike. And then I'll lie down. That's still safe, right?

Sitting is Killing You