I'm following the presidential election pretty closely and I wonder, is it over already? Has America made up it's mind? Has the election ended in the summer with the swimsuit competition? Have the candidates been defined: Cranky versus Hope? Where are the voters who would never vote for a half black man? I expected they'd show up in the polls by now. Are they really only the small percentage who would admit it over the phone? Have I overestimated the racism of the American public? Man, I hope so.
Of course, it's the 3rd of July. A lot can come up by November. Osama Bin Laden could be caught. (If he isn't already) Barack Obama might get his dick sucked by a campaign volunteer. John McCain might ride a bicycle. What if McCain really does have a black baby somewhere or, Obama has a 3/4 white one?
There will be debates and speeches, ignored by most of us. Everything we need to know will be in a campaign commercial, conveniently free of truth in advertising laws. Right now, McCain is pissed that someone questioned the importance of his military service. Obama blew him a kiss. Did that change anyone's vote? Anyone? Does anyone have a relevant question? Does anyone have time for an honest answer?
Do we really care about issues? Does America want "free trade"? Do we want to make the rich "pay their fair share"? Maybe we prefer our banks unregulated. Maybe being shot down over Vietnam is good executive experience.
Maybe by election day the "surge" will have clearly done it's job successfully occupying Iraq so that our troops will be home by Thanksgiving. If we can occupy one country in the Middle East, that will make us safer here. And if I can get through the airport without having to strip (which I used to do voluntarily), you've got my vote, John.
One is cool the other is old. That's good enough for real independents. What makes us independent is the DVR. Who looks best when I fast forward through their ad. I don't have time to watch guys argue about gas taxes and troop withdrawal. I do have time for Mad Men.
If one of them gets caught getting his dick sucked, I'll start paying attention again. I'm not convinced that either are what we need as president, however they are what the system gave us and, once again I forgot to run this year.
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