I had barely settled in for a long night of electoral back and forth and, as soon as the clock struck 8, it was over. "Alright guys, the polls are closed in Cali. Let's call this thing and go home. I've got 4 episodes of 'Mad Men' on the TiVo." Before I could get the popcorn out of the microwave, John McCain had conceded and was in bed with a warm glass of milk. A quick electoral smack down. You knew it was over as soon as Barack Obama won Ohio. (The state where I drove through a Klan rally about 15 years ago.) You can't beat that kinda momentum.
Just as I had predicted, the cooler dude won. I'm just surprised at how decisive it was. I have never been very comfortable with so many polls favoring Obama. Never underestimate the racism of the American public, I thought. Someone was bound to realize they were about to elect a black man as President of the United States and change their vote. Turns out ageism triumphed over racism. A great day for our country.
Just like that it was over. "Go home, old man. And take your spokesmodel with you." No suspense. No controversy. No lawyers. Just look and the numbers and live with it.
"They" didn't steal the election from "us" so, I'm stuck with a trunk full of riot supplies. Anybody wanna buy some gasoline, bottles, rags and lighters?
When Obama gave his acceptance speech, I got the feeling that in the back of his mind was, "What was I thinking? Now all these people expect me to fix shit."
Sarah Palin had one thing right, Senators, Representatives and community organizers aren't held responsible for much. Presidents are, and they don't get credit for all the "checks and balances" that stand in their way. Our new president has a lot to clean up; Occupation of Iraq, a collapsing economic house of cards, decaying infrastructure, expensive energy and health care. I don't know why anyone would want the job. It doesn't pay very well, until you've completed your second term and get a book deal.
I haven't received a tax cut. My health insurance still cost thousands a year. No solar panels on my roof. Yet thanks to Barack Obama, I've got one less excuse for underachieving. "The Man" isn't keeping me down anymore. I am "The Man" now. And I can't stop smiling.