I had dinner with a friend a few days ago at DuPar's in Studio City. Dupar's has the best pancakes in the world, however we were there for dinner.
We order. We chat. The waitress drops off our plates and as I reach for my fork, My friend puts her hands together and starts praying. I've known Carolyne for 7 years. She has never said a prayer over a meal before. And while she's praying, what am I supposed to do? Just sit there while she rambles on an on. "Bless this food" blah blah blah "nourishment of the body" blah blah "Bless me and you and everyone we know..." Blahmen. What's more rude. Me starting to eat without her, or her making me wait for this endless and useless babel. The time for God to bless the food was before we killed it.
Seems a little arbitrary to pray before meals anyway. How about praying before you get on a bus. Pray over a load of laundry "Bless this water for the cleansing of the fabric. Bless this detergent that it may defeat stains." Maybe before vacuuming "Lord help me suck the devil from this rug."
I've had friends like that, as well. The kind that will interrupt any conversation to pray out loud before dropping a letter in the mailbox, or to ask Jesus for a parking space.
It's behavior like this, among other acts and convictions, that lead me to believe that religious faith is a form of insanity. Many of my friends and family are religious people and, I suppose I've just admitted to some of them that I think they're insane. At least now you know why I look at you "like that".
I had a tuna melt. Carolyne had grilled cheese. And it was good.