Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Sneaks

I'm going to shop for a new pair of athletic shoes today. I'd like a pair of high top basketball shoes. They are the most comfortable. Truth is I'm not very athletic. My knees are creaky from when I used to run. Mostly I'm worried that someone will challenge me to a game. That's what happened last time I owned a pair. I got no game. People think because I'm skinny and black that I got "mad ups". I'm built more for distance than speed or power. I have a very patient floor game. I didn't play at all as a kid and I play very badly now. That could improve cuz I bought a book. We'll see.

What I do know is since the '99 LA Marathon (I finished last) that I'm not running anymore. I can stop buying uncomfortable running shoes. Not all running shoes are uncomfortable. I gave up a more popular brand, because of the miserable treatment of the international labor that produce them, in favor of a less comfortable brand that manufactures at least some of the shoes in the US. Enough. People are always asking if I want to run with them. I don't. Maybe a walk. I work out several times a week, but my feet stay on the floor.

I own a pair of Chuck Taylor All-Stars. A basketball shoe that hasn't changed since the '50s. If I walk onto a basketball court in those, people know I'm ready to play poker.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

It's a weekend of football. The NFL Playoffs. Two games today. Two Tomorrow. I love football. I'll be here watching big strong men crash into each other. Wish I could do that. I reflect on the football season and my life and I see no legit comparison, and yet I type on.
There are commercials every 2 minutes reminding me that I'm an actor and other actors are working while I've just been laid off from my job as a production assistant. I see my friends making thousands of dollars shilling for auto insurance and fast food. I'm thinking that some ad agency stole my friend's joke for their McDonald's commercial. I'm too old to try out for American Idol and I can't sing anyway.

I listen to the commentators and I like them. I wish they were funnier. Though I know It's not easy to be accurate and entertaining. I've listen to my "know it all" friends complain about sports commentators:" They're so stupid. Everything they say is common sense. They hate my team. Why don't they shut up?" I'd really like to see my "know it all" friends try to do play by play and color commentary. It's not easy. It's not common sense. Football is a complicated game and live TV isn't ain't for chimps either. Next time I hear that crap I'm turning off the volume and giving them a tryout.

I'm a Fantasy Football player. I've spent the whole season trying to figure out who was going to play well and If I can get them onto my team. The Fantasy season is over and all I can do now is regret my choices. Trading Peyton Manning so cheap. Cutting this guy. Drafting that guy. Benching this guy. Not trading that one. You see guys who were so important to fantasy players and somehow you hope they'll validate your actions posthumously. What is great is that finally I can enjoy the game a little more since I have nothing at stake. I'm glad for Tory Holt, catching a TD pass. Why couldn't he do that during the regular season? It helps me to strategize a bit for my Fantasy season next year. I tell myself.

Ultimately, I was never big enough or fast enough or strong enough to play when I was young. and nothing has changed. Except that I'm big enough to play high school ball. Though I am slower. and every thing hurts when I run. I love watching. I really think I would rather be a commentator.- Except that I know so little about football. I guess I live vicariously through the referees.